Run API Node
Last updated 23 May 2024
3API node parameters
The hardware requirements for the API node depend on the traffic pointed to the individual node. It has to be able to stay synchronized and serve the requests at the same time. Therefore, you should scale it according to your expected load.
Minimum requirements for API node with all history:
m6i.2xlarge , m6a.2xlarge, r6i.2xlarge General Purpose Instance with 4 vCPUs (3.5 GHz), 32+GB of memory, up to 10 Gbps network bandwidth, and at least 2.5 TB of gp3 (16000+ IOPS, 1000MB/s). Bare metal with equivalent or higher specs are even better. Lower spec like AWS m5.xlarge can work, but no longer recommended.
We recommend at least 1 Gbps (10+Gbps is better) network bandwidth for a public API node.
Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (64-bit) or similar Linux/Unix based system.
17 TB is needed if you'd like to run with a full size (non-pruned) datadir. Available snapshots for download: link.
What are we going to do?
Setting up the node
Network settings
Open up port 22 for SSH, as well as port 5050 for both TCP and UDP traffic for node P2P network. Also if you plan to expose the API, then select a port which will serve the RPC API request. A custom port can be used with --port <port>
flag for P2P and --http.port <port>
flag for API when you run your node, more on that later in this article. Keep all other ports closed as the node doesn't need any other.
Set up non-root user
If there is already a non-root user with sudo rights available, you can skip this step.
Make sure to paste your public SSH key into the authorized_keys file of the newly created user in order to be able to log in via SSH.
Add the following line to the end of the file:
Now close the root SSH connection to the machine and log in as your newly created user:
Install required tools
You are still logged in as the new user via SSH. Now we are going to install Go and Opera.
First, install the required build tools:
Install Go
Export the required Go paths
Validate your Go installation
Build and run your API node
For building go-opera from the source, please always checkout the latest supported version. The list of actual releases and release candidates can be found here in description.
Validate your Opera installation:
When using version 1.1.3 (introduced since version 1.1.2) you need to add db.preset argument for starting opera command. You can see options for this parameters with opera help
command. For standard conditions, please use this option:
You can use different db presets, either --db.preset ldb-1
OR --db.preset pbl-1
OR --db.preset legacy-db
. Note that, ldb-1 will sync slightly faster, but may respond slower on multiple parallel API queries; whereas pbl-1 will sync a bit longer, but have more stable API response time.
Run API node
For running an API node, you need to download a genesis file and synchronize from this genesis state to present. If you just want to provide only the latest data from your API node, you can select the pruned genesis files, without a history data. In case that you want to provide all historical data, then you have to select genesis file with "Starting EVM history" filled with Full in the table.
The other option is to use a snapshot. More information about snapshots you can find here.
For the first run with a genesis file, you have to provide a path to this file with the --genesis
parameter. It is not needed once the genesis is processed and also it is not needed when running with the snapshot. With the parameter --datadir
, you specify where your blockchain data will be stored. In case of using snapshot, you need to point a datadir to the snapshot location.
You can check other parameters with opera help command. Note that https and ws must not be enabled on a server that stores wallet account. For trouble shooting your node, please check this.
Run transaction tracing API node
Running a transaction tracing node is very similar as a standard API node. Transaction traces are created when blocks are processed during blockchain synchronization, so it is a good practice to start a node from scratch and let it synchronize with --tracenode
You have to run your transaction tracing node using tx-tracing go-opera 1.1.3-rc.5 (full
sync mode). For newer versions please check the actual txtracing branch in the Fantom foundation github repository. Note that --http and --ws must not be enabled on a server that stores wallet account.
Validate your Opera installation:
Download a genesis file from this list of genesis files with full history (Starting EVM history column with Full). It is recommended to use this genesis file mainnet-5577-full-mpt.g.
The most important parameter for the transaction tracing node is the --tracenode
. It enables the tracing capabilities. The trace
parameter of the --http.api
exposes the trace API on the http interface.
You can check other parameters with opera help command. The default synchronization mode is full. You shouldn't use any other mode as tracing needs all the data generated during the regular syncing procedure.
More details on tracing, please check this guide. For trouble shooting your node, please check this.
*For latest update, please check
Last updated