Schema Structure

Full schema of the GraphQL API is:

# Hash is a 32 byte binary string, represented by 0x prefixed hexadecimal.
scalar Hash

# Address is a 20 byte Opera address, represented as 0x prefixed hexadecimal number.
scalar Address

# BigInt is a large integer value. Input is accepted as either a JSON number,
# or a hexadecimal string alternatively prefixed with 0x. Output is 0x prefixed hexadecimal.
scalar BigInt

# Long is a 64 bit unsigned integer value.
scalar Long

# Bytes is an arbitrary length binary string, represented as 0x-prefixed hexadecimal.
# An empty byte string is represented as '0x'.
scalar Bytes

# Cursor is a string representing position in a sequential list of edges.
scalar Cursor

# Root schema definition
schema {
    query: Query
    mutation: Mutation
    subscription: Subscription

# Entry points for querying the API
type Query {
    "Total number of accounts active on the Opera blockchain."

    "Get an Account information by hash address."

    Get list of Contracts with at most <count> edges.
    If <count> is positive, return edges after the cursor,
    if negative, return edges before the cursor.
    For undefined cursor, positive <count> starts the list from top,
    negative <count> starts the list from bottom.
    ValidatedOnly specifies if the list should contain all the Contracts,
    or just contracts with validated byte code and available source/ABI.
    contracts(validatedOnly: Boolean = false, cursor:Cursor, count:Int!):ContractList!

    Get block information by number or by hash.
    If neither is provided, the most recent block is given.
    block(number:Long, hash: Hash):Block

    "Get transaction information for given transaction hash."

    Get list of Blocks with at most <count> edges.
    If <count> is positive, return edges after the cursor,
    if negative, return edges before the cursor.
    For undefined cursor, positive <count> starts the list from top,
    negative <count> starts the list from bottom.
    blocks(cursor:Cursor, count:Int!):BlockList!

    Get list of Transactions with at most <count> edges.
    If <count> is positive, return edges after the cursor,
    if negative, return edges before the cursor.
    For undefined cursor, positive <count> starts the list from top,
    negative <count> starts the list from bottom.
    transactions(cursor:Cursor, count:Int!):TransactionList!

    "Get the id of the current epoch of the Opera blockchain."

    Get information about specified epoch. Returns current epoch information
    if id is not provided.
    epoch(id: Long!): Epoch!

    "The last staker id in Opera blockchain."
    lastStakerId: Long!

    "The number of stakers in Opera blockchain."
    stakersNum: Long!

    Staker information. The staker is loaded either by numeric ID,
    or by address. null if none is provided.
    staker(id: Long, address: Address): Staker

    "List of staker information from SFC smart contract."
    stakers: [Staker!]!

    The list of delegations for the given staker ID.
    Cursor is used to obtain specific slice of the staker's delegations.
    The most recent delegations are provided if cursor is omitted.
    delegationsOf(staker:Long!, cursor: Cursor, count: Int = 25): DelegatorList!

    "Get the details of a delegator by it's address."
    delegation(address:Address!): Delegator

    "Returns the current price per gas in WEI units."
    gasPrice: Long!

    "Get price details of the Opera blockchain token for the given target symbols."

    Get calculated staking rewards for an account or given
    staking amount in FTM tokens.
    At least one of the address and amount parameters must be provided.
    If you provide both, the address takes precedence and the amount is ignored.
    estimateRewards(address:Address, amount:Long):EstimatedRewards!

# Mutation endpoints for modifying the data
type Mutation {
    SendTransaction submits a raw signed transaction into the block chain.
    The tx parameter represents raw signed and RLP encoded transaction data.
    sendTransaction(tx: Bytes!):Transaction

    Validate a deployed contract byte code with the provided source code
    so potential users can check the contract source code, access contract ABI
    to be able to interact with the contract and get the right metadata.
    Returns updated contract information. If the contract can not be validated,
    it raises a GraphQL error.
    validateContract(contract: ContractValidationInput!): Contract!

# Subscriptions to live events broadcasting
type Subscription {
    "Subscribe to receive information about new blocks in the blockchain."
    onBlock: Block!

    "Subscribe to receive information about new transactions in the blockchain."
    onTransaction: Transaction!

# StakerInfo represents extended staker information from smart contract.
type StakerInfo {
    "Name represents the name of the staker."
    name: String

    "LogoUrl represents staker logo URL."
    logoUrl: String

    "Website represents a link to stakers website."
    website: String

    "Contact represents a link to contact to the staker."
    contact: String

# DelegatorList is a list of delegations edges provided by sequential access request.
type DelegatorList {
    "Edges contains provided edges of the sequential list."
    edges: [DelegatorListEdge!]!

    TotalCount is the maximum number of delegations
    available for sequential access.
    totalCount: BigInt!

    "PageInfo is an information about the current page of delegation edges."
    pageInfo: ListPageInfo!

# BlockListEdge is a single edge in a sequential list of blocks.
type DelegatorListEdge {
    "Cursor defines a scroll key to this edge."
    cursor: Cursor!

    "Delegator represents the delegator provided by this list edge."
    delegator: Delegator!

# Delegator represents a delegation on Opera blockchain.
type Delegator {
    "Address of the delegator account."
    address: Address!

    "Identifier of the staker the delegation belongs to."
    toStakerId: Long!

    "Epoch in which the delegation was made."
    createdEpoch: Long!

    "Timestamp of the delegation creation."
    createdTime: Long!

    "Epoch in which the delegation was deactivated."
    deactivatedEpoch: Long

    "Timestamp of the deactivation of the delegation."
    deactivatedTime: Long

    "Amount delegated. It includes all the pending un-delegations."
    amount: BigInt!

    Amount delegated. The current amount still registered
    by SFC contract as delegated amount. It does include pending
    deactivation, but does not include partial un-delegations.
    amountDelegated: BigInt
    "Amount locked in pending un-delegations and withdrawals."
    amountInWithdraw: BigInt!

    "Amount of rewards claimed."
    claimedReward: BigInt

    "Pending rewards for the delegation."
    pendingRewards: PendingRewards!

    "List of withdraw requests of the delegation."
    withdrawRequests: [WithdrawRequest!]!

    "List of full delegation deactivation."
    deactivation: [DeactivatedDelegation!]!

# Account defines block-chain account information container
type Account {
    "Address is the address of the account."
    address: Address!

    "Balance is the current balance of the Account in WEI."
    balance: BigInt!

    TotalValue is the current total value fo the account in WEI.
    It includes available balance,
    delegated amount and pending staking rewards.
    totalValue: BigInt!

    "txCount represents number of transaction sent from the account."
    txCount: Long!

    txList represents list of transactions of the account
    in form of TransactionList.
    txList (cursor:Cursor, count:Int!): TransactionList!

    "Details of a staker, if the account is a staker."
    staker: Staker

    "Details of delegation, if the account is a delegator."
    delegation: Delegator

    "Details about smart contract, if the account is a smart contract."
    contract: Contract

# EstimatedRewards represents a calculated rewards estimation for an account or amount staked
type EstimatedRewards {
    "Amount of FTM tokens expected to be staked for the calculation."
    staked: Long!

    dailyReward represents amount of FTM tokens estimated
    to be rewarded for staked amount in average per day.
    dailyReward: BigInt!

    weeklyReward represents amount of FTM tokens estimated
    to be rewarded for staked amount in average per week.
    weeklyReward: BigInt!

    monthlyReward represents amount of FTM tokens estimated
    to be rewarded for staked amount in average per month.
    monthlyReward: BigInt!

    yearlyReward represents amount of FTM tokens estimated
    to be rewarded for staked amount in average per year.
    yearlyReward: BigInt!

    currentRewardYearRate represents average reward rate
    for any staked amount in average per year.
    The value is calculated as linear gross proceeds for staked amount
    of tokens yearly.
    currentRewardRateYearly: Int!

    Total amount of staked FTM tokens used for the calculation in WEI units.
    The estimation uses total staked amount, not the effective amount provided
    by the last epoch. The effective amount does include current
    un-delegations and also skips offline self-staking and flagged staking.
    totalStaked: BigInt!

    Information about the last sealed epoch of the Opera blockchain.
    The epoch provides useful information about total FTM supply,
    total amount staked, rewards rate and weight, fee, etc.
    lastEpoch: Epoch!

# TransactionList is a list of transaction edges provided by sequential access request.
type TransactionList {
    # Edges contains provided edges of the sequential list.
    edges: [TransactionListEdge!]!

    # TotalCount is the maximum number of transactions available for sequential access.
    totalCount: BigInt!

    # PageInfo is an information about the current page of transaction edges.
    pageInfo: ListPageInfo!

# TransactionListEdge is a single edge in a sequential list of transactions.
type TransactionListEdge {
    cursor: Cursor!
    transaction: Transaction!

# Transaction is an Opera block chain transaction.
type Transaction {
    # Hash is the unique hash of this transaction.
    hash: Hash!

    # Nonce is the number of transactions sent by the account prior to this transaction.
    nonce: Long!

    # Index is the index of this transaction in the block. This will
    # be null if the transaction is in a pending pool.
    index: Long

    # From is the address of the account that sent this transaction
    from: Address!

    # Sender is the account that sent this transaction
    sender: Account!

    # To is the account the transaction was sent to.
    # This is null for contract creating transactions.
    to: Address

    # contractAddress represents the address of smart contract deployed by this transaction;
    # null if the transaction is not contract creation
    contractAddress: Address

    # Recipient is the account that received this transaction.
    # Null for contract creating transaction.
    recipient: Account

    # Value is the value sent along with this transaction in WEI.
    value: BigInt!

    # GasPrice is the price of gas per unit in WEI.
    gasPrice: BigInt!

    # Gas represents gas provided by the sender.
    gas: Long!

    # GasUsed is the amount of gas that was used on processing this transaction.
    # If the transaction is pending, this field will be null.
    gasUsed: Long

    # InputData is the data supplied to the target of the transaction.
    # Contains smart contract byte code if this is contract creation.
    # Contains encoded contract state mutating function call if recipient
    # is a contract address.
    inputData: Bytes!

    # BlockHash is the hash of the block this transaction was assigned to.
    # Null if the transaction is pending.
    blockHash: Hash

    # BlockHash is the hash of the block this transaction was assigned to.
    # Null if the transaction is pending.
    blockNumber: Long

    # Block is the block this transaction was assigned to. This will be null if
    # the transaction is pending.
    block: Block

    # Status is the return status of the transaction. This will be 1 if the
    # transaction succeeded, or 0 if it failed (due to a revert, or due to
    # running out of gas). If the transaction has not yet been processed, this
    # field will be null.
    status: Long

# Represents epoch information.
type Epoch {
    "Number the epoch end."
    id: Long!

    "Timestamp of the epoch end."
    endTime: BigInt!

    "Epoch duration in seconds."
    duration: BigInt!

    "Fee at the epoch."
    epochFee: BigInt!

    "Total base reward weight on epoch."
    totalBaseRewardWeight: BigInt!

    "Total transaction reward weight on epoch."
    totalTxRewardWeight: BigInt!

    "Base reward per second of epoch."
    baseRewardPerSecond: BigInt!

    "Total amount staked."
    stakeTotalAmount: BigInt!

    "Total amount delegated."
    delegationsTotalAmount: BigInt!

    "Total supply amount."
    totalSupply: BigInt!

# ContractList is a list of smart contract edges provided by sequential access request.
type ContractList {
    # Edges contains provided edges of the sequential list.
    edges: [ContractListEdge!]!

    # TotalCount is the maximum number of contracts available for sequential access.
    totalCount: BigInt!

    # PageInfo is an information about the current page of contract edges.
    pageInfo: ListPageInfo!

# TransactionListEdge is a single edge in a sequential list of transactions.
type ContractListEdge {
    cursor: Cursor!
    contract: Contract!

# Price represents price information of core Opera token
type Price {
    "Source unit symbol."
    fromSymbol: String!

    "Target unit symbol."
    toSymbol: String!

    "Price of the source symbol unit in target symbol unit."
    price: Float!

    "Price change in last 24h."
    change24: Float!

    "Price change in percent in last 24h."
    changePct24: Float!

    "Open 24h price."
    open24: Float!

    "Highest 24h price."
    high24: Float!

    "Lowest 24h price."
    low24: Float!

    "Volume exchanged in last 24h price."
    volume24: Float!

    "Market cap of the source unit."
    marketCap: Float!

    "Timestamp of the last update of this price value."
    lastUpdate: Long!

# Represents staker information.
type Staker {
    "Id number the staker."
    id: Long!

    "Staker address."
    stakerAddress: Address!

    "Amount of total staked tokens in WEI."
    totalStake: BigInt

    "Amount of own staked tokens in WEI."
    stake: BigInt

    "Amount of tokens delegated to the staker in WEI."
    delegatedMe: BigInt

    Maximum total amount of tokens allowed to be delegated
    to the staker in WEI.
    This value depends on the amount of self staked tokens.
    totalDelegatedLimit: BigInt!

    Maximum amount of tokens allowed to be delegated to the staker
    on a new delegation in WEI.
    This value depends on the amount of self staked tokens.
    delegatedLimit: BigInt!

    "Is this a validator record."
    isValidator: Boolean!

    "Is the staker active."
    isActive: Boolean!

    "Is the staker considered to be cheater."
    isCheater: Boolean!

    "Is the staker offline."
    isOffline: Boolean!

    "Epoch in which the staker was created."
    createdEpoch: Long!

    "Timestamp of the staker creation."
    createdTime: Long!

    "Epoch in which the staker was deactivated."
    deactivatedEpoch: Long!

    "Timestamp of the staker deactivation."
    deactivatedTime: Long!

    "How many blocks the staker missed."
    missedBlocks: Long!

    "Number of seconds the staker is offline."
    downtime: Long!

    "Proof of importance score."
    poi: BigInt

    "Base weight for rewards distribution."
    baseRewardWeight: BigInt

    "Weight for transaction rewards distribution."
    txRewardWeight: BigInt

    "Validation score."
    validationScore: BigInt

    "Origination score."
    originationScore: BigInt

    "Amount of rewards claimed in WEI."
    claimedRewards: BigInt

    "Amount of rewards claimed by delegators in WEI."
    delegationClaimedRewards: BigInt

    List of delegations of this staker. Cursor is used to obtain specific slice
    of the staker's delegations. The most recent delegations
    are provided if cursor is omitted.
    delegations(cursor: Cursor, count: Int = 25):DelegatorList!

    Status is a binary encoded status of the staker.
    Ok = 0, bin 1 = Fork Detected, bin 256 = Validator Offline
    status: Long!

    "StakerInfo represents extended staker information from smart contract."
    stakerInfo: StakerInfo

    List of withdraw requests of the stake.
    Contains only withdrawal requests of the staking account,
    not the requests of the stake delegators.
    withdrawRequests: [WithdrawRequest!]!

# PendingRewards represents a detail of pending rewards for staking and delegations
type PendingRewards {
    "Pending rewards amount."
    amount: BigInt!

    "The first unpaid epoch."
    fromEpoch: Long!

    "The last unpaid epoch."
    toEpoch: Long!

# WithdrawRequest represents a request for partial stake withdraw.
type WithdrawRequest {
    "Address of the authorized request."
    address: Address!

    "Address of the receiving account."
    receiver: Address!

    "Account receiving the withdraw request."
    account: Account!

    "Staker Id of the staker involved in the withdraw request."
    stakerID: Long!

    "Details of the staker involved in the withdraw request."
    staker: Staker!

    "Unique withdraw request identifier."
    withdrawRequestID: BigInt!

    "Is this a partial delegation withdraw, or staker withdraw?"
    isDelegation: Boolean!

    "Amount of WEI requested to be withdrawn."
    amount: BigInt!

    "Block in which the withdraw request was registered."
    requestBlock: Block!

    Block in which the withdraw request was finalized.
    The value is NULL for pending request.
    withdrawBlock: Block

    Amount of WEI slashed as a penalty for cheating.
    The penalty is applied not only to staker withdraw,
    but also to delegations of a cheating staker.
    The value is NULL for pending requests.
    withdrawPenalty: BigInt

# DeactivatedDelegation represents a prepared delegation full withdraw.
# Fully withdrawn delegations must be prepared first and finalized
# only after the lock down period passes.
type DeactivatedDelegation {
    "Address of the delegator."
    address: Address!

    "Staker Id of the staker involved in the withdraw request."
    stakerID: Long!

    "Details of the staker involved in the withdraw request."
    staker: Staker!

    "Block in which the delegation deactivation was registered."
    requestBlock: Block!

    Block in which the delegation was withdrawn.
    The value is NULL for pending request.
    withdrawBlock: Block

    Amount of WEI slashed as a penalty for cheating.
    The penalty is applied to delegators' rewards
    in case their staker is flagged.
    The value is NULL for pending requests.
    withdrawPenalty: BigInt

# Block is an Opera block chain block.
type Block {
    # Number is the number of this block, starting at 0 for the genesis block.
    number: Long!

    # Hash is the unique block hash of this block.
    hash: Hash!

    # Parent is the parent block of this block.
    parent: Block

    # TransactionCount is the number of transactions in this block.
    transactionCount: Int

    # Timestamp is the unix timestamp at which this block was mined.
    timestamp: Long!

    # txHashList is the list of unique hash values of transaction
    # assigned to the block.
    txHashList: [Hash!]!

    # txList is a list of transactions assigned to the block.
    txList: [Transaction!]!

# Contract defines block-chain smart contract information container
type Contract {
    "Address represents the contract address."
    address: Address!

    "DeployedBy represents the smart contract deployment transaction reference."
    deployedBy: Transaction!

    "transactionHash represents the smart contract deployment transaction hash."
    transactionHash: Hash!

    "Smart contract name. Empty if not available."
    name: String!

    "Smart contract version identifier. Empty if not available."
    version: String!

    License specifies an open source license the contract was published with.
    Empty if not specified.
    license: String!

    "Smart contract author contact. Empty if not available."
    supportContact: String!

    "Smart contract compiler identifier. Empty if not available."
    compiler: String!

    "Smart contract source code. Empty if not available."
    sourceCode: String!

    "Smart contract ABI definition. Empty if not available."
    abi: String!

    Validated is the unix timestamp at which the source code was validated
    against the deployed byte code. Null if not validated yet.
    validated: Long

    "Timestamp is the unix timestamp at which this smart contract was deployed."
    timestamp: Long!

# ContractValidationInput represents a set of data sent from client
# to validate deployed contract with the provided source code.
input ContractValidationInput {
    "Address of the contract being validated."
    address: Address!

    "Optional smart contract name. Maximum allowed length is 64 characters."
    name: String

    "Optional smart contract version identifier. Maximum allowed length is 14 characters."
    version: String

    "Optional smart contract author contact. Maximum allowed length is 64 characters."
    supportContact: String

    License specifies an open source license the contract was published with.
    Empty if not specified.
    license: String

    "Optimized specifies if the compiler was set to optimize the byte code."
    optimized: Boolean = true

    OptimizeRuns specifies number of optimization runs the compiler was set
    to execute during the byte code optimizing.
    optimizeRuns: Int = 200

    "Smart contract source code."
    sourceCode: String!

# BlockList is a list of block edges provided by sequential access request.
type BlockList {
    # Edges contains provided edges of the sequential list.
    edges: [BlockListEdge!]!

    # TotalCount is the maximum number of blocks available for sequential access.
    totalCount: BigInt!

    # PageInfo is an information about the current page of block edges.
    pageInfo: ListPageInfo!

# BlockListEdge is a single edge in a sequential list of blocks.
type BlockListEdge {
    cursor: Cursor!
    block: Block!

# ListPageInfo contains information about a sequential access list page.
type ListPageInfo {
    # First is the cursor of the first edge of the edges list. null for empty list.
    first: Cursor

    # Last if the cursor of the last edge of the edges list. null for empty list.
    last: Cursor

    # HasNext specifies if there is another edge after the last one.
    hasNext: Boolean!

    # HasNext specifies if there is another edge before the first one.
    hasPrevious: Boolean!

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